4 Reasons You Should Be Active In Your Child’s Therapy

As a family systems therapist, I require that parents be actively involved in the work that I do with their children. What that participation looks like can vary depending on several factors included the presenting issue or the child’s age. Sometimes I am asked why I choose to work this way and why it is essential. So I’m going to share with you my top four reasons that you need to participate in your child’s therapy.

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5 Things To Do Today To Build Your Child’s Growth Mindset.

Growth mindset is an idea coined by Carol Dweck from Stanford University. Basically, she says there are two types of mindsets, fixed and growth. People with a fixed mindset believe, likely unconsciously, that their intelligence and talent are fixed and unchangeable. They want to be perceived as and generally are, smart. But they tend to choose low-risk activities that require minimal effort. A fixed mindset comes from a place of fear and a belief that failure is catastrophic.

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